8 ways Running changes your body ( it works very well)

8 ways Running  changes your body ( it works very well)


Running is a full-body workout that provides numerous benefits. Here are nine ways running can change your body

Taking up running will change your life. I mean it. Running isn’t just a way of exercising, it’s joining a community (and not in a scary religious cult type of way).



Yet the questions most would-be runners ask are “How running changes your body shape?” and “What does running do for your body?” Most of it’s good. Really good.

1. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Running strengthens your heart and improves circulation, lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease.




2. You will lose belly fat: When people want to know how does running change your body and what does running do to your body, often what they have in mind is losing weight. It’s simple really, weight change is about the balance between calories in versus calories out, and running is a great way to burn calories.

3. Stronger Muscles and Bones: Running strengthens leg muscles, including the calves, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. It also increases bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.


4. Your arms will shrink: This is another downside of losing weight. If you’re running intensely, the muscles you’re not using will slim down. That means no more arm muscles. There is a way to prevent weedy arms and improve your upper body. Combine running with yoga, weight training, or these bodyweight exercises for runners, and give your arms a good workout.


5. Better Mental Health: Running stimulates the release of endorphins, often referred to as a “runner’s high.” It can reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression.

6.  You’ll Sleep Better: One of the mental health benefits of running is improved sleep. Physical exercise increases the amount of time in deep sleep and can help with insomnia. The only proviso is to avoid intense activity in the hours before bedtime


7. You’ll Feel Terrific: running just makes you feel great. It boosts your energy levels and builds confidence making you more outgoing. However, when it comes to changes to your body from running it’s about more than just the physical side.

8. You’ll Stop Overthinking Everything: The runner’s high isn’t a myth. Running releases endorphins creating a natural high. This way you get to feel good without any side effects.It could be the endorphins or just the benefits of exercise, but running creates positive outlooks – and helps you stop overthinking and sweating the small stuff. The improvements in mental health are backed up by research.  

If you try to run and you are waiting for your weight lose it is a best way and it’s the best for everyone.

for more advices go to this page


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