Running 1 Miles A Day: Will Help You To Weight Loss


Running is very important for your weight lose and you can become fit and fine if you want to lose your weight fast you have to run every day 1 milesIt’s not much really. Run two miles in the morning and your fitness routine is done and dusted for the rest of the day.




It works for everyone who want to lose weight and be fit Slink into work with a little smile of satisfaction and feel those endorphins flow. Running makes you more alert, boosts your mood, and can make you more productive


For many people, running regularly isn’t about completing marathons or running a fast 10K. It’s about creating a sustainable and enjoyable routine that helps them maintain their health.




Running 1 miles a day to lose your weight 


Sorry to disappoint you but running isn’t the perfect fix for weight loss. It can certainly help you lose a few pounds: running two miles will burn around 200 calories. But it’s not a miraculous weight loss fix.


These are some mistakes you do when you are running every day but you can’t lose your weight fast 


1 Eating Too Much


Middle age latin woman holding a waffle isolated showing a disappointment gesture with forefinger.



Run every day isn’t an excuse to start the see-food-and-eat diet! You know what I mean. You’re so pleased with yourself. You’re run 2 miles a day and feel great.


So you’ll just treat yourself to a piece of rocky road with your morning coffee.


2. Failing to calculate the need of calories 




When you’re running you need a calorie deficit to lose weight. A calorie deficit is when you expend more calories than you consume. It doesn’t have to be huge but it needs to be consistent.


This helps you work out how many calories your body needs each day to maintain its current weight – based on your activity level and body size. You can then reduce your calorie intake slightly to create that calorie deficit.


3.  You are ignoring your Nutrition 




Sugary snacks and high-fat processed food can start to look very tempting but it’s not what your body needs. That’s the type of food that added those extra inches to your waistline in the first place.


A runner’s body needs good nutrition. Even when you run short distances such as run 2 miles a day.


If most of your calorie intake comes from food with little obvious nutritious value, you’ll not only be hungry all the time – your body won’t be getting the fuel it needs to improve as a runner

for more advices go to this page

weight lose


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