15,000 steps in a day you have to do

15,000 steps in a day you have to do 



I can help to improve your health and how to set a right goal for walking and our health can be good

Learn how walking can help to improve your health and how to set a right goal for walking and our health can be good
if you are beginnner you have just to be strong so you are ready to aim 15,000 thousand steps in daily routine.
In average you have to walk 15,000 steps in a day i begining or roughly walk 2.5 to 3.0 miles everyday and whatever you want then you can work for 15,000 steps in a day
If you are already walking more than 10,000 steps in a day you are ready to walk 15,000 steps in a day and young have to set your daily routine
Benefits of walking
There is a importance of fitness in our life and you can earn fitness from walking more than more and young can loose belly and young can be fit
Yet walking for regular activities can help to reduce your risk of these common health problem such as
• Heart diseases
• Joint diseases
• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Depression

for more examples go to this page


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