Do you want to know the secret to getting a flat stomach? We’re sharing our best tips and exercises that really work! It can be hard to know what to do to lose weight, which advice to follow and which are myths. We’ve wrapped it all up in one post so you don’t have to think anymore. Take a look at our guide to getting a flat stomach – with and without exercise!
Myths about a flat stomach
1. Crunches will get rid of belly fat
Although crunches help you build abdominal muscles, they don’t actually get rid of belly fat. Cardio helps lose fat. Combine core exercises with cardio workouts at least three times a week to get a flat stomach. Strengthening your abdominal muscles will help you look good even after you lose the fat around your belly.
2. What you eat doesn’t matter as long as you exercise
If you want a flat stomach, healthy eating and exercise go hand in hand. If you do one without the other, you won’t get the results you want. Combine regular exercise with foods that are healthy and don’t make you bloated — fiber, lean protein, green vegetables, healthy fats and whole grains are the keys to a balanced diet.
How to get a flat stomach without exercising: 6 actionable tips
1. Cut down on carbs
Carbs are a huge culprit for belly fat. Cutting down on carbs has a lot of great health benefits besides weight loss, so it’s good for you all around. Keep an eye on your carb intake by cutting down on empty and unhealthy carbs. Sugar-sweetened beverages, white bread and pasta, and fast food are some of the biggest culprits to weight gain.
2. Eat more protein
Replace fatty carbs with protein. Proteins like eggs, lean meats and tofu help keep you full for longer, making you feel satisfied and less likely to snack between meals. Protein suppresses appetite, helps reduce cravings and also protects muscle mass during weight loss, so if weight loss is your goal, make sure to include high-protein foods at every meal!
3. Reduce stress
Stress is one of the most unhealthy things you can do to your body. It can lead to weight gain, poor sleep, heart disease, and more. Stress can increase the amount of hormones in your body like cortisol, which increases appetite and leads to weight gain. Some ways to reduce stress are to avoid caffeine, exercise, get more sleep, and practice relaxation techniques.
4. Watch your snacking
Snacking can be a big cause of belly fat if you’re not careful! It can be very easy to grab a pastry or a bag of chips when you’re hungry and not think twice about it. But bad snacking habits can lead to weight gain! Plan your snacks ahead of time and eat foods like hummus and veggies, almonds and Greek yogurt for healthy energy at lunch!
5. Stop eating out
Eating out all the time may be convenient, but it’s not good for your waistline. If you want a flat stomach, make your own healthy meals instead of eating out most of the time. When you make your own meals it ensures that you know what’s in your food and you can fill it with healthy, good-for-you ingredients that will help you slim down!
6. Stop drinking lactose milk
Milk may be high in calcium, but it’s also high in a type of sugar called lactose, which makes it high in carbs. Adding a splash of milk to your tea or coffee is no big deal, but drinking a whole cup of milk or using it in your daily latte is the problem. Switching to a milk alternative like almond or coconut milk is ideal as they are mainly water and have a low carb content. Most also contain vitamin D, calcium and other vitamins, so you’re still getting the nutrients!
The information provided on this [website/app/program] is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional before beginning any new fitness program, diet or exercise routine, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, injuries or concerns.