How To Get Rid Of Love Handles : 7 Exercises That Work fast.
Love handles refer to the excess fat that accumulates on the sides of the waist and can spill over the top of pants, hence the name. This fat is subcutaneous, meaning it lies just under the skin, and while it’s not as dangerous as visceral fat (which surrounds the internal organs), it can still be stubborn and challenging to lose.
Why Are They Called
“Love Handles”?The term “love handles” is a colloquial phrase that likely originated because these areas of fat are easy to grab or hold onto, which might happen during affectionate gestures. However, the name can be misleading, as many people are self-conscious about having love handles and want to reduce them.
Here are 10 Exercises to get rid of belly fat
1. Woodchoppers
This is a simple exercise which makes your obliques and abs work. It strengthens them while promoting good posture, and this overall reduces the love handles.
How to perform:
• All you need is a stretching rope for this.
• Stand straight with your legs shoulder apart
• Take the stretching device in your hand.
• Stretch it diagonally towards your left shoulder.
• Make sure your hands are straight while doing this.
• Return to the starting point, then do it the same by taking it to the right shoulder.
• Do three sets of it with 10-15 repetitions on each side.
2. Russian twists
This twist is easy to perform and it focuses on reducing your love handle and upper body fat. It works on your abdominal muscles and strengthens it.
How to perform:
• Sit on the floor with your legs spread out.
• Your back should be straight.
• Now bend your legs from knees and let it be in the air.
• Bend slightly backward, to maintain the balance and have 90 degree.
• Twist your torso and hands from one side to another.
• Do not move your legs
• Repeat this 10-12 times with three sets.
3. Hanging leg Raises
This is a very simple exercise and it also helps to increase your height. Doing this exercise regularly helps to reduce the fat from the waistline.
How to perform:
• You just need something strong you can hang on.
• Jump and hold on to the bar, flexing your hips while doing so.
• Lift your legs until they make a perpendicular angle to your torso.
• Hold the position for few seconds.
• Slowly slowly come back to the original position of hanging leg.
• Repeat the same procedure for 10-12 times with three sets.
4. Crab kick
An exercise that focuses on the lower part of the body. Crab Kick exercise is more effective if you use it with the help of hamstrings and quads. Its reduce belly fat also.
How to perform:
• Sit on your mat with the bend knees and keeping your feet together.
• Keep your hands at the back with fingers facing another side.
• Slowly pull your hip up in the air, and kick your right leg up.
• Keeping switching the legs and repeat the same process.
5. Bicycle crunch
Remember when we were small and used to go cycling, we were fit and healthy then. This exercise is a little twisted. It involves cycling with crunches. Bicycle crunch helps to reduce your waistline and also get rid of love handles in just 3-4 weeks.
How to perform:
• Lie down comfortably on the floor with your back straight.
• Your hands to be at back supporting your head.
• Bend the knees.
• Bring your right knee back and try touching the right knee with the left elbow.
• Relax back to the initial position.
• Now, do the same with the left knee and right elbow.
• Do it 25-30 times from both sides
6. Plank crunch – Sideways
This is a little difficult exercise to perform, so it is necessary that you start normally and with practice, you will reach the level. Plank crunch is one of the best exercises to get rid of love handles.
How to perform:
• Lie sideways on the floor.
• Lift your body with the help of left palm, and legs over one another
• Slowly slowly raise your hip, now your hip, head, and legs are in the same line.
• Put your right hand over your head by bending the elbow
• Lift your right leg and try to touch it with a bent elbow, while maintaining your balance.
• Hold this position for 2-3 seconds
• Perform 10 sets of it each side.
7. Side streching
Side Stretching exercise especially targets the love handles. It also helps in providing relief if you are suffering from shoulder or back pain.
How to perform:
• Stand properly on the ground with your legs apart.
• Lift your right hand, bend it from the elbow and try touching the left shoulder with a right hand from back.
• Your right hand should be firm on the left shoulder, bend your body leftwards putting pressure on the elbow.
• Hold that position for few seconds and come back to the initial position.
• Repeat it with the other side.
for more advices go to this page
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