How to make skin Glow in 15 days and Remove Pimples

How to make skin Glow in 15 days


Within 15 days, you can make all the pimples on your face disappear and also make your skin glowing. You might be shocked to hear this, you might feel that this is not really possible. But this is possible and many actors follow it. They follow these secret techniques with the help of which their face glows so much. Now these dermatologists, that is, all these skin doctors, they know about many secrets. But still they do not tell because if they tell these secrets to everyone, then these big companies that sell you expensive creams, sell expensive products.

All these companies will shut down. I apply cream, nothing is going to happen. How can you get glowing skin, how can you get glowing skin? So everyone, my name is rabindar. According to a study, pimples have become the biggest problem for many people in India. A research was done on teenagers, in which it is found that more than 80% of the teenagers are troubled, discouraged, depressed in their lives. Because of your skin, because of the pimples on your skin, there will be many of you like this because today you must be in your teens and because of your skin you must be feeling very less confident about yourself.

There are many people who go to school, go to tuition and are not able to talk to anyone with confidence, why? Because they know that their skin glow is probably not that good. Maybe they don’t look that beautiful. They have a lot of pimples on their face. If this has happened to you too, then first of all write yes in the comment. If this has not happened to you, then first of all write no in the comment. Today’s comment will tell you that this problem is not yours alone.

There are millions of people for whom this has become a problem. What is the solution to this problem in today’s time? First of all you have to understand that no matter how expensive products you are using. I don’t know what all you are applying, stop all this and today I will tell you five secret techniques with the help of which your skin will start glowing and I understood these techniques by talking to many dermatologists skin doctors in the last one week and I came to know that this skin care is very simple and certified, which you can make your skin very beautiful by following just a few steps. Now I will tell you five steps.

But before that let us understand what Vedic science says? Vedic science says that the pimples on your face are of three types. One type of pimples are those that are on your forehead. One type of pimples are those that are on your cheeks or on your nose. One type of pimples are those that are on your chin area. Now the reason for these three pimples is different. If you have a pimple on your forehead, then it is a pimple. Due to stress, you may not be able to think properly at night or you may be stressed about something. You may be stressed about exams.

Whenever you have exams, you must have noticed that you get pimples. Secondly, the pimples on your cheeks, these pimples are mainly due to your stomach i.e. your digestive system. If you eat very bad food, eat oily food daily, then due to that you may get to see a lot of pimples here and if your pimples are in the chin area, then those pimples are mainly under hormonal changes, that is, a lot of hormonal changes are happening inside your body, which is also very natural. So these are the three types of pimples, which Vedic science tells us. Now it is possible to remove these three pimples, how is this possible? So let’s understand the first step. Our first step is to look at the oxygen level, this sign says. If there is oxygen in your body, then automatically your skin will glow. Now how will you get oxygen? You must have seen what actors and actresses do, they do only one step, which is the amount of water, that is, in many interviews you must have heard this line that we drink a lot of water. We drink six liters, seven liters of water a day. Because of which our skin glows. We have also heard someone saying in an interview that she drinks a lot of water. Yes, I drink a lot of water and it is scientifically proven. The more water you drink, the higher is the oxygen level of your body.

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Due to which your skin will start glowing automatically. There is another way of this which is written in many scientific books and that is yoga. There is also a posture in yoga with the help of which you can increase your oxygen level a lot and what is the name of that posture? Shirsha Asana Now with the help of this Shirsha Asana you can increase your oxygen level. What do you have to do in this? Actually your head is down and feet are up, that is, you have to turn upside down. What happens by turning upside down?

for more examples go to this page

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