Millets are useful for weight loss and fitness to be smart

Millets are useful for weight loss and fitness to be smart

There was a time when our ancestors, our elders used to use millets in their diet. Millets means barley, Jawahar, Ragi, Bajra, Buckwheat. They used to eat such things and they remained very fit, very healthy and very active. But gradually we started to cottonize our diet and gradually we started eating processed food in our diet, due to which we started falling ill. 

Our weight started increasing and gradually our lifestyle also started deteriorating. Now many people are overweight, many people have lifestyle diseases. And now they are thinking how to lose their weight and how to cure their lifestyle diseases, so let’s go back to our roots towards millets. Because many of us know that millets are very healthy. They are also good for our weight loss. 

Our lifestyle diseases can also be cured, but many of us do not know how to include it in our diet, so today I will simplify this thing for you. I will tell you a complete diet plan. I will show you the recipes, which will lead to a very good weight loss. You can lose up to 8 to 10 kg in a month and you can also reverse your lifestyle diseases. The nation has declared 2023 as the Year of Millets. Truly a proud moment for Indians.

 Because Indians have always eaten millets, millets have always been there, but we kept forgetting it. And we kept getting westernized, so why not come back to our millets and this is the treasure which will lead to our weight loss and also cure our lifestyle diseases. Then we will not need any medicine. By including this in our diet and improving our lifestyle a little, we can cure our diseases.

We can become fit again, healthy, active and lose weight. So let’s start the millets diet plan. But before starting the diet plan, let me tell you one thing, why are millets healthy for usMillets are carbohydrates, whole grains. The content of fiber and protein in it is very good, due to which it helps us in losing fat and helps in losing weight.

 It keeps us full for a long time, keeps us saturated. It gets digested slowly in our body, that’s why it is very good for diabetes. It contains amazing fiber, which removes bad cholesterol from our body. So if you have heart problems or if you have cholesterol problems then this is very good for you and it also helps us in losing weight very well. It keeps us full for a long time. You don’t feel hungry after eating it too early. 

And that is why our weight loss is very fast. If you follow my five golden rules with this diet plan then your weight loss will be even faster. First of all, take 7-8 hours of sleep, second thing is to drink three to three and a half liters of water throughout the day, third thing is to finish dinner before 7:50 pm, fourth thing is to not take stress at all and fifth thing is to check your weight daily and note it down in a diary so that you will know how this diet plan is working on you and along with that if you walk for 30 to 45 minutes throughout the day then it will be icing on the cake and your weight loss will be even faster. 

You can lose up to 8 to 10 kg in a month. 100% so let’s start the diet plan of minutes first thing is to sleep at 10:30 pm, wake up at 6:30 am, use the washroom after waking up and first of all check your weight and note it down in a diary. After that around 7:30 you take, take your morning drink in the morning drink, let’s know how to make cumin tea.

 I will tell you in my kitchen. So first of all you have to take a pan, keep it on the gas and in it I have poured water here and in it I am adding cumin seeds here. Now we will cover it properly and let it boil. Now we had covered it with a lid, look it has boiled. Now we will strain it and we have to drink it hot, so after taking this morning drink around 7:30 you have to have your breakfast. Between 8830 and you have to take millet in it. Let me tell you how to make khichdi in my kitchen, 

we are making millet ie pearl millet khichdi. I have taken one fourth millet here. I have washed it very well and dried it. Now we have to grind the millet coarsely in our mixer, so we have taken it coarsely, grinded it. Now I have taken a pan for the millet. I have boiled one and half cup water in it. I am putting the millet in it, which I had ground. 

Now we have to keep stirring it with a ladle. We have to cook it a little. We will mix it well with water. Now I will put two tablespoons of green moong dal in it, which I have washed very well. I am putting two tablespoons of chana dal here, which I have also washed very well and I am adding two tablespoons. I also washed the rice very well

So try these millets to lose weight and your belly fat than the simple days use these millets in daily life and see the answer after some days or sometime. 

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